(All poetry in this section is from 1976 or before)
The Saints in My Sanctuary
Spring 1976
I cling to the vision of one small daisy
like a drowning man in a sea to a raft
to the gentle caress of cold raindrops
on my face in the silent darkness
to a sleeping baby’s laughing response
to the magic kiss of an angel that I
carry in my pocket
to the sparkling flame of joy I found
in one tiny dewdrop on a new blade of
grass on a hilltop
to a warm, strong, invisible hand that
teaches me how to run in the darkness
How can I extract my feelings?
You say some questions I ask too hard:
they cannot be answered.
Our words are not enough?
But something commands me try;
To cut, to feel, to suffer,
probing my inner being
Performing an exploratory on my soul
Each part to be laid out in the bright light
Where they’re no longer safe and secure
Always with the fear of a thief
Or just another close by
Before I’m ready to call
But with all the time and tears,
With all the agony
I find I still can’t reach the bottom of my soul
Perhaps it’s as you say
Perhaps more evolution must be
Before we can communicate the eternal moods within
On the death of my baby…..
It seems like a night that was so long ago….
The night I found a different kind of pain existed
If I were one to believe in divine punishment
I might think He’d found His zenith
But I rejected that idea a long time ago
For many reasons – maybe survival?
It was a long, long night
With nothing to ease the pain
I had windows to see the night
The black night
Made up of clouds and more clouds and just darkness
For God hid His stars that night
He shushed them all to another room
to keep them from seeing my sorrow
And he set the moon to keep watch inside the door
so none could sneak out
Till on toward dawn, the moon gave in to curiosity
and crept out from behind a cloud
And I lay still and watched a round moon of
Pure silver
Changing everything to silver in its light
Sending its luminescent streamers and ribbons that said,
“We’re still here, I just came to see
how you were making out.”
And the superstition in me wanted to say
“It’s a sign!”
So I went back to the songs of David
And searched through the words of John
For something I might have missed
I wasn’t satisfied with Plato’s answer
And McKuen hasn’t found it yet
I’ve looked in conversations and books
And still I look –
Out in the meadow
In the woods
Back to the books and
Back out again.
And so I must keep on searching
For, though perhaps I’ve been close,
I still haven’t found the promise of that
Ethereal silver moon…..
June, 1971
Somehow I must write a song
and so I try and I try
I pick up my guitar
Or stop to sit at my piano
I play the chords in major
then minor
But does God think I’m not yet ready
to communicate with you in this way?
For still the tune won’t come
Yet the music is there locked in every fiber
Playing a song, my song to you
There must be a way to reach within
and grasp the score
So I can sing my heart out loud
So the world will hear my song of love
and of woe
For it’s a song that’s way too much
for one small soul
Somehow, it must be shared
And if God would only give me the talent
I would paint how I feel on canvas
With my heart holding the brush
The palette coming from my soul
And I would add that to my music
And from it all perhaps I could ease
This haunting need of my soul to converse…..
December, 1970
Deep in despair, I lie, unmoving
a body as still as death
weighted down by the earth of anguish
Invisible bonds that tie my shell
lash at my soul
always torturing, always tormenting
an unceasing cry from the bottom of hell
My God! My God!
caused by the piercing stab of truth
the knowledge of what is
what might have been
and what can never be
It is the slow strangulation of will
an agonizing death for desire
a part of ME must perish forever
never again to walk in paradise
The rivers of needs in me must dissappear
leaving only their hollow canyons
where once they flowed so strong and swift
searching for the sea
The view from the mountain peak must be forgotten
the valley must be all that’s known
But the will to survive is so rich, so strong,
that it’s been a long, long battle
a suicide dragged on and on
And Time must help me deliver the final blow
Till then
this undulating wretchedness will exist
eased only by a rare anesthesia for pain
those moments of insanity
when the mind ascends and escapes this tribulation
when it seems too much to bear
the soul retreats to a sheltering glade
where there’s no sound, no sight
My heart must stop it seems
and for an instant the body returns to the primeval state
slipping out of the bonds of unfullfillment
I must not, cannot, break these bonds
but they’ve become so heavy
and I, so weary
Yet, I cannot forget
It was I who handed the master the hemp
April 21, 1973
Fall out kids!
It’s time for church
Grab your hymnal
Any old shirt
Run down the stairs
And out the door
Head for the ridge
Where you can see more
Hurry up now
Don’t be late
The sun’s coming up
It won’t wait!
December 1970
Oh, God, give me strength to endure this loneliness
This separation of our souls which tears at me
I have much more to give that you reject
You’ve killed much that I gave
Your wall is too high
Your moat too wide
I didn’t make it through
I pray I don’t find an extended hand
to lead me another way
To another castle
And on to Paradise
But I’m so afraid……
A Hunger, though well-fed
An emptiness though surrounded
A cry within, a moan
I reach but you’re too far
A part of me you cannot see
A part of me is foreign to you
For it soars high and far
From the Genesis to eternity
For my mind is loosed by the words of thoughts
Loosed to share the universe
But I go alone
What is this in me that needs a fellow for the journey so
Why the pain because you lag behind
Can I ever find the key that will let you go with me
Or have you sealed off the door?
Who was Leon Gay…..really…..
I have pictures of his face, I have his name
I was told he neither smoked nor drank nor cursed
or went to church
He owned a 3-piece suit and hat
and a horse
He knew how to make moonshine
and he was next to the oldest
and he always built the fire in the morning
But the pictures and name are all that remain
and in some distant office a few numbers
and a tattered, yellowed telegram….
Did he enjoy his family’s music
Papa with his fiddle and JJ with his guitar
Did he find his own religion
out in those post-oaks and blackjacks
or out on those prairies?
How did he feel about that red clay and
those thunderstorms that filled up the gullies
and washed the land away?
What did he think about when he was
following that mule with that plow
hour after hour
day after day?
Was he a gentle man?
Did he like to read
Did he believe in God
in an after-life?
How did he feel about Negroes?
Did he enjoy being a man?
What did he want for his kids?
Did he enjoy conversation at times
a circle of friends?
What did he think were the important things?
Did it bother him any to slaughter a pig?
And how did it feel, down in his gut
when he saw what war was really all about…..
Does anyone remember?
Did anyone know?
June 1971
The sun knocked on my door this morning saying
“Hurry, come out where I can see you to sit.”
So here I am on my favorite stump
Quietly peeking as the day is getting up
I lean back and take my young-old body out of motion to just watch
as my spirit goes dancing with the daisies across the fields
leaping about to see every little lavender iris
amazing at each one’s perfection
noticing that with them, like people, the hue changes with time
I make a note to come by again and check on the progress of the
blue steeples of lupines just beginning to bloom
then hurry on to kiss each blade of grass and give each
ragged banner another whoosh – sending them waving again
to sprinkle their seeds from atop their long slender stems
Each sprig of life is becoming a familiar friend
no longer can I say, that, like a different race
they all look alike to me
I don’t know all their names yet
for I’m still in the awe struck stage of fresh awareness
But one of these days when I find time
we’ll be formally introduced
Each one is distinct in form and habit and shading
What a palette and what an imagination it took
To concoct just one square acre of natural land!
My mind falls flat to the ground to see better
the bright red jewels that hug the earth
The sparkle of something catches my eye and I
raise my head to see a thick clump of grass
bedecked with dewdrops that shine like
millions of glittering diamonds
creating that look we try to imitate with our
twinkly Christmas lights
Then I find myself soaring to sit in on that discussion
Three birds are having right up there in the top of that tallest fir tree
They didn’t know it but I sat there awhile
trying to catch little puffs of clouds to stick in my pockets
I even put some in my mouth
With a parachute of peace God lent me I floated back over the earth
over the willow-like vine maples that cling so tenaciously to life
over the magical blackberries, with a power that enables them
to flourish where nothing much else can survive
I glide among baby fir trees and pause to reflect
Where did the baby hemlock go?
I almost make a crash landing on this table-top tree stump
and I hurry to gather up my soul
for I see smoke rising from a chimney
delivering the message It’s time to go
Another world is awake now, too
June 9, 1971
Oh, God, how you can cause pain!
True to the tales of your distant blood
you know the art of torture
You know just where to plunge the knife
and begin to twist
then to watch your victim’s face
unable to see I give my all at your altar
It wasn’t for a lark I rode into your camp
I wasn’t looking for just a new thrill
I came to learn your language
to communicate
groping for the other side of God’s face
Is my skin so light and bright
the sun reflects and blinds you
making you unable to see
that I feel and hope and hurt
just like you do
Or didn’t you know
My tears contain salt, too
just like yours do
I thought I knew you
but I heard you steal words from another’s mouth
Yes, I’ve heard people use those word before
words that cause me to ask
Did you just take the white man’s woman to bed
or the white man’s woman to wife
to repay him?
I don’t know which is worse
to call me “bigot”
or say “I don’t love you”
June, 1971
I think
I feel
I write
I don’t worry much about what others think anymore
I’m just me
And what the years have made me
“Half country – half sophistication”
a minister once told me
Just trying to learn the language
For I don’t want an interpretation
I want to read the book mysef
God gave me a mind
And I thought I heard Miss Hatchett say “Use it!”
I’ve got just ONE short time
To get it all done
I won’t get 3 strikes before I’m out
So I’ve got to make it count
What does it matter if you don’t like how I live?
I didn’t know you were consulted when the rules were set down!
I know when it comes time for Trial
There won’t be witnesses or a 12-man jury
I’ll have to face my Maker
All by myself